Welcome to my blog, Persian Woman. Here you can read about my recent trip to Iran, current occasions and some of the life's experience, with a different twist and some Persian spice.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

We woke up early in the morning to start our journey, so we won't get stuck in traffic. The road was not that bad but drivers were! but our driver aka my brother-in-law was one of those few good drivers.
We drove for couple of hours before getting to our destination. A small hidden gem in the middle of nowhere, if you don't know where this place is you will surly miss it.

A small garden with lots of trees, a small pond and few aggressive ducks :) and chickens and two roosters and a very unique and cozy inside diner. (The ducks and chickens have their own story....)

Anyway we decided to sit on a bench under a cherry tree. We got situated in our sits and ordered our food and as our food was arriving, it started to rain, so everybody grabbed something from the table and ran inside. We were disappointed that we couldn't have our lunch outside under the tree and enjoy the fresh air, but the food took our disappointed away; at least for me and my sister did....

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